Spiritual enlightenment is the key to making the most of your life.
If you feel stuck, uncertain, or frustrated with the way your life is going, spiritual hypnotherapy might be just the ticket to end the confusion.
Various forms of Spiritual Hypnosis might be Past-Life Regression or Life Between Life Regression. Speaking through your spiritual self is life changing. With hypnosis you are able to let go of the ego and truly be.
In other words, Spiritual hypnosis gets to the root of who you are and what is most important in your life.
I offer 3 paths in Spiritual Hypnosis. Each approaches your spiritual development in a slightly different way.
Past Life Regression Hypnosis
Past Life Regression, PLR, is often seen as a way to have fun and find out if you were related to King Arthur or Cleopatra, but it can also be used as a way to find out about why certain issues seem to be a constant in your life.
Some good examples are:
- Why you seem to have a constant pain in your shoulder. You may have gone to many doctors only to be told that there is nothing wrong and they have no idea how to make it go away except to mask it with pain medication.
- Why you seem to have trouble finding love in your life?
- Why you seem to have a lifelong issue around money.
- Why you have a strange fear of something: bridges, spiders, trains, etc.
PLR can get to the root of these issues by finding out if a past life might have something to do with these concerns. Change happens through working with the past life and having you experience that event differently or by learning how to forgive and let go.
I facilitate PLR that is based on solving a problem that is getting in the way of life. It will not work if the problem actually started in this lifetime, so often it is necessary to first work on the trauma from this life before heading to the past.
The most important thing to discover in PLR is what are the lessons? By uncovering the lessons, we learn how to move forward.
Be sure to check out my blogpost about Clearing Up the Confusion About Past Life Regression, and join us for a special Group PLR Session on September 28th, 2024, 2-4 pm via Zoom! Click HERE for more information and to sign up!
Refund policy: Because your soul has its own mission and intention, I can not directly influence whether or not your soul or your mind will allow you to be regressed at the time of your appointment. I am simply a facilitator for the process. Therefore, should your mind or your soul resist the regression process to a past life at the time of service, please understand that I will be unable to refund your money, since you have reserved that time in my schedule for your regression and I am unable to offer that time to someone else.
Soul Purpose Spiritual Hypnosis
The Soul Purpose program is a spiritual journey into the depths of your soul that can be accomplished in 2 sessions.
Through Soul Purpose Hypnosis, your soul answers many questions about your life, past, present, and future:
- Why did I choose my parents?
- How do my past lives affect this one?
- What am I to accomplish in this life?
- What is my career path?
- Who is my soulmate?
- Who are my angels, spirit guides, and wise elders in this life?
By speaking to your soul, you learn your purpose for life on earth at this time.
Soul Purpose Hypnosis shows you the path for your life and gives you a sense of where you are and where you really want to go.
This is a very deep spiritual journey into your soul. It is recorded so that you can come back to it again and again to refresh your understanding.
Spiritual Journeys Hypnosis
There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It’s why you were born. And how you become most truly alive. ~ Oprah Winfrey
This three-session Spiritual Journeys package will first teach you how to take yourself into very deep self-hypnosis. This alone is an amazing experience. Those who meditate for years may achieve this depth. You will achieve it in one session.
The second session will teach you how to rise up into your spiritual realm while instructing you on how to protect your body and soul. In this session you will also learn your spiritual name and see your true inner self in the Hall of Mirrors.
The third session will introduce you to your Spirit Guide and hear their unique message for you. You will also visit the Temple of Healing and the Hall of Transformation and discover your soul’s memories.
All this takes place in 6 hours of hypnosis. You will receive three hypnosis MP3s and instruction sheets so that the journeys can continue as long as you want.
Contact Judith at Judith@WiseHeartCoaching.com (503) 318-9343 or make your appointment by clicking here.
If you’re tired of the uncertainty of life, tired of living without a central organizing plan, maybe it’s time to take a deep dive into one or both of the spiritual hypnosis programs.
If you’d like more information, contact me or schedule a free 30-minute Discovery Session.
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