Have you heard of Parts Therapy? Parts work is a kind of therapy that addresses conflicts in ‘agendas’ between our internal parts. Sounds interesting, right? But what exactly does this mean? There are different parts of our subconscious mind making up our personality… sort of like different ‘people’ inside us. That’s right – we have different “managers” that exist inside us that can seem to either be for us or against us. These managers with their different opinions can get in the way of … [Read more...] about The Parts Inside of You
Goal Setting
A New Year & ANOTHER Resolution
Don't! Stop! Don't Stop! These phrases read very differently depending on where you put the emphasis, right? Don't! Stop! OR Don't Stop! The same is true of resolutions. DO make them -- but be sure to make the goals reasonable ones and only those that you really truly desire. Let's break these down. 1. Reasonable Goals To know what is reasonable, let's look at what might be an unreasonable or unattainable goal. "This year I am going to lose 50 pounds!" … [Read more...] about A New Year & ANOTHER Resolution
Goal-Setting: My New Year’s Intention for Your Success
How to Have a Super, Stupendous, Fantastically Successful New Year! This time I have done something a bit different. I have recorded my newsletter this month, because some would rather listen than read. So listen or read as you choose. I also have created an MP3 hypnosis on success on your goals. I really want each of you to experience a year of success in whatever you imagine it to be for you. This gift I give to you with gratitude — gratitude that I am living my passion, my joy, my … [Read more...] about Goal-Setting: My New Year’s Intention for Your Success
Three Steps to Effective Goal Setting and Planning
Fall is a great time for goal setting and planning. Something about the shrinking days, the cooling weather, and watching the leaves lose their summer luster urges us to change and new directions. Maybe it’s a habit left over from school days, with the smell of new pencils and new clothes indicating a new school year. Maybe it’s the squirrels dashing around with their cheeks bulging with nuts, reminding us that it’s time to prepare for winter. Whatever the reason, for many people the … [Read more...] about Three Steps to Effective Goal Setting and Planning
Time goes so quickly
I can’t believe it is already February 2016… I can’t believe it is already February 2016 – but maybe I say that every year. Time just goes so quickly and things that I was determined to get done in January – well – they are now postponed for February. Do you do that? I think, unfortunately, that’s what most of us do. I believe in goals and working for what we really want for tomorrow – and yet, I also believe in living in the present and enjoying the gift of “today.”So, how can you make … [Read more...] about Time goes so quickly
Are you living your dream
Where are you? Where are you in your life? That may seem like a weird question – but when you think about it, it does have an answer. You grow up, make plans, and then life gets in the way. Life has a way of doing that. You start out on a road that you believe will lead you to success and then things happen – marriage, children, lack of jobs, health issues, so many things stop you from that ultimate goal you were seeking. Or, if you were like me, you never really … [Read more...] about Are you living your dream
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