Don’t! Stop!
Don’t Stop!
These phrases read very differently depending on where you put the emphasis, right?
Don’t! Stop!
Don’t Stop!
The same is true of resolutions. DO make them — but be sure to make the goals reasonable ones and only those that you really truly desire.
Let’s break these down.
1. Reasonable Goals
To know what is reasonable, let’s look at what might be an unreasonable or unattainable goal. “This year I am going to lose 50 pounds!” OR “This year I am going to run a 42K!”
Good grief, just the thought of either of those goals is exhausting. Where to begin?
How about something like this instead:
- This year I want to eat a more plant-based diet
- This year I want to start walking every day and add distance each week. By spring, I want to add in some jogging.
- This year I want to join some dating platforms and dip my toes back into socializing
- This year…
- This year…
- This year…
Break it Down
Each goal must be broken down into achievable baby steps. Baby steps start with where you are along with a ‘map’ of where you want to go.
Also, include your beginning date and the end date of when you want to be achieving this goal on a regular basis. As you achieve these baby steps, you will feel successful!
Goal: Eat a more plant-based diet. This can probably be achieved within a 6-month period.
Baby steps in order:
- Investigate how to eat a more plant-based diet and stay healthy
- Find recipes for plant-based cooking
- Create a weekly menu with 1 or 2 days a week of plant-based recipes and try it out! Notice…how do you feel?
- And then keep going with baby steps.
2. What Do You Truly Desire?
The problem with most New Year Resolutions is that they aren’t what you really want. Often, they are what you think you “should” want. So the first step is actually tuning in to your inner voice and asking yourself if this is what you really, truly want. Stop for a moment and see yourself achieving the goal you have in mind. Does it feel good? Are there places in your body that feel tight or negative about this intention? If so, look into it.
Listen to Your Body, Mind, & Soul
How do you “look into it?” First, sit down and get comfortable in a space where you won’t be interrupted. Make sure your feet are flat on the floor. While holding your goal or intention in your mind, take a deep belly breath in and let it out slowly, through your nose. A belly breath is breathing so deeply that your belly expands.
As you continue taking deep belly breaths ask your body what it thinks of this goal or intention. For example, if you are considering the move to a plant-based diet, what part of your body is in agreement with this idea and what part feels resistant? When you find that part that is not in agreement, ask it questions – avoiding “why” questions. Example, “What about a plant-based diet makes me feel fearful?” “What am I afraid to let go of?” “Who else might be involved in this change?”
Set Yourself Up for Success
Changing and shifting your life is a great thing. However, it is not always easy. We want this change, but habits and life often get in the way.
It really helps if you can try some ‘hacks’ to set yourself up for success! For example, If you want to start exercising after work, take your workout clothes with you.. Before leaving your workplace, change into your workout clothes. You are more likely to stop at the gym if you are ready to dive into your workout once at the gym. Another great idea is to decide on a healthy reward if you meet your workout goal for the day, week, or month.
Reach Out for Help
If you need assistance in setting clear, desired intentions or help in overcoming habits and fears that may be blocking you from achieving those desires, coaching and/or hypnosis might be your first baby step. I’ve been there and am always working on clearly defining my new desires for my life. It’s an ongoing journey! I’m here to help!
Click HERE to schedule your Free 30-Minute Discovery Session.
Wise Heart Coaching & Hypnosis – Riley WiseHeart and I – wish you a very Happy and Healthy 2022!
(Oh my, 2022!!!!)
Click HERE for another resource specifically about weight loss resolutions, if you’re interested.
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