In one of the many letters he wrote to his son in the 1740s, Lord Chesterfield offered the following advice: There is time enough for everything, in the course of the day, if you do but one thing at once; but there is not time enough in the year, if you will do two things at a time. Multitasking - That's how we get things done, right? We are prolific multitaskers. That’s right, Multitasking is what most humans believe is absolutely necessary in order to maintain our homes, work, and … [Read more...] about Maybe We Need More Lazy
The Energy of Money
The current economic climate has created fear in many of us, causing us to worry about whether we have enough. I understand this feeling – it’s an easy feeling to adopt. So many people are worried they don't have enough money for the essentials in life and we understand – and may, in fact, have that feeling ourselves. You know that feeling – NOT ENOUGH! Fear & Constriction The problem with allowing this mindset to creep in and reacting from fear begins a process of constriction. Inside … [Read more...] about The Energy of Money
Attitude of Gratitude
Here we are again at that wonderful time of year when we are asked to be in a state of gratitude. And yet, this is the time of year when we often feel more stress and anxiety than we seem able to deal with. How can we find an attitude of gratitude when our “to do” list is a mile long? What if I told you that you CAN, and It’s easier than you think?! Take a few minutes right now and think of things that bring you joy. Having any trouble? Well, … [Read more...] about Attitude of Gratitude
Can We Change Negative Habits
It’s 5PM. You're finally finished with a long, difficult day at work. Your first thought is to find release and relief through a delicious glass of wine, a cold beer, or the inhale of some cannabis, or _____(insert your favorite RELIEF RELEASE here)_____. It's almost an overwhelming feeling of, “I can’t wait!” Are you addicted? Some might say yes, but let’s also look at it as a Habit. It has become a habit to finish work and link it with the desire for that wonderful feeling of letting … [Read more...] about Can We Change Negative Habits
Do You Bully Yourself?
It might sound like this... I hate myself! Why do I always say stupid stuff? I am so fat! I am ugly! I’m lazy! What’s wrong with me? No one likes/loves me. I am not worthy of good things. I should be a better spouse/parent/friend. Own Worst Critic Sound familiar? I bet we have all engaged in this type of behavior against ourselves at some point in our lives. Sometimes it depends on the day. Sometimes we look in the mirror and hate everything about ourselves. We can … [Read more...] about Do You Bully Yourself?
Do You Suffer from FDD?
Oh no! This disease is all too common. Have you heard of it? It's the dreaded Fun Deficiency Disorder! Many of us suffer from it and don’t even know it. We go about our life unable to recall the last time we actually had 'fun'. You a really good time with loads of laughter? Here's the thing -- if you feel better -- you heal better. Laughter is truly good medicine. Laughter Heals This is why during sessions with my clients, we laugh - a lot! Laughter is … [Read more...] about Do You Suffer from FDD?
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