Oh no! This disease is all too common. Have you heard of it?
It’s the dreaded Fun Deficiency Disorder!
Many of us suffer from it and don’t even know it. We go about our life unable to recall the last time we actually had ‘fun’. You know…like a really good time with loads of laughter?
Here’s the thing — if you feel better — you heal better. Laughter is truly good medicine.
Laughter Heals
This is why during sessions with my clients, we laugh – a lot! Laughter is healing.
For some reason, as humans we can tend to focus on what isn’t working – what’s wrong in our lives. We choose to memorize the pain, sadness, anger, and stress that we face in life.
Instead, we could choose to memorize joy, happiness, and laughter. In other words, FUN!
Try This Technique
This may be scary – maybe even – uncomfortable – but take a moment and remember a time of joy and happiness. It might take a minute. Take a deep belly breath, close your eyes and relax and a memory will come forward. Now, as the memory comes up, take note of what you are doing, who’s with you, and your surroundings. Now, as you remember this time of joy, start to feel it in your body. Take note of where in your body you feel it. Take a moment and notice what color that feeling is. Does it have a shape? Allow all your senses to join in on the experience. Make the colors bright and beautiful.
Now, when the feeling is really, really strong, make a fist and lock in this feeling and experience. Open your fist, take a deep breath in and let it out. Take a moment, and then close your eyes, make a fist again and return to that place of joy and fun. The more you do this, the stronger it gets.
You don’t have to remain a victim of FDD. You can experience fun and joy from your past and bring it into the present moment. You can actually transform your feelings.
This is only one technique of many that I utilize during our sessions to help change focus from the negative to the positive.
If you are ready to end FDD and want to start living life more in the positive, please do make an appointment for a Free 30 Minute Discovery Session and we can discuss if coaching or hypnosis might be the best solution for you.
Click HERE to Schedule Today!
For more information on Laughter and its benefits, check out this helpful LINK.
And for more information on my services, please check out my new video below.
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