How to Have a Super, Stupendous, Fantastically Successful New Year!
This time I have done something a bit different.
I have recorded my newsletter this month, because some would rather listen than read. So listen or read as you choose.
I also have created an MP3 hypnosis on success on your goals. I really want each of you to experience a year of success in whatever you imagine it to be for you.
This gift I give to you with gratitude — gratitude that I am living my passion, my joy, my intention. I would love to hear back from you.
Warmly, Judith and Riley Girl
Listen Here
For people who prefer to read, the text follows:
Intention is everything! Where you focus your attention is what you will achieve.
What are you focusing your attention on? Is it need, poverty, politics, lack, even desperation?
If this is where you focus your attention, then I hate to tell you this, but this is what you actually attract more of.
The good news is if you change your focus entirely to what you desire in your life —success, joy, love, abundance — that is what you will achieve. I personally know this to be true.
What you think can actually change what you attract.
Now, let’s say you have changed the way you talk from what you can’t afford to what you do have. You’re now in gratitude for what you have rather than in what you lack.
But you also have goals/intentions for what you want to change or add to your life. Great! Let’s plan a way of getting there.
In my book, The Power of Goal Setting: Transforming Thoughts Into Action!, I talk about the need for a plan.
Would you set out on a trip across country with absolutely no idea of what highways to take, where to stop and rest, what attractions to see along the way? Well, you might, but it will be a very haphazard trip with a total lack of plan or direction. Generally, we will plan a trip out.
Setting an intention with absolutely no idea which direction you will go to achieve it is about the same. It’s like throwing darts, blindfolded, with no idea which way the dart board is. It can be interesting, but probably not very productive.
The very first thing you must do is make a plan — a direction — a map of how you will get from point A to point B. What do you need to achieve, learn, discover along the way? Without a plan, we wonder why our New Year’s resolutions usually end up a dismal failure.
The goal to lose weight, stop a habit, start a business, rise in our current job, even find love ends up trashed before it even had a chance to bud. This happens only because we didn’t set a plan.
That means the very first step is to know what you really want and then set a plan for how to get there. There are many tools out there to help you achieve your goals. Coaching and hypnosis are two options.
To help you get there, I have written a short hypnosis session which you can play to assist you toward you goal. Just sign up below to get your copy.
Enjoy! And Happy New Year! Count your blessings!
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