Have you heard of Parts Therapy? Parts work is a kind of therapy that addresses conflicts in ‘agendas’ between our internal parts.
Sounds interesting, right? But what exactly does this mean?
There are different parts of our subconscious mind making up our personality… sort of like different ‘people’ inside us. That’s right – we have different “managers” that exist inside us that can seem to either be for us or against us. These managers with their different opinions can get in the way of our reaching our intended goals. These inner conflicts if left unaddressed, can sabotage our lives.
Inner Conflicts
Here’s one example. Let’s say that we want to exercise more – we really do! We buy the clothing we need to exercise and look good. We purchase a gym membership or buy home equipment. We make plans that promise we will continue no matter what.
But then, it just doesn’t happen!
The clothes remain folded in the drawer or gym bag. The home equipment grows an artistic layer of dust, or the gym membership goes unused.
Things just get in the way!
Things like –
Too tired!
Too busy!
Tomorrow will be better!
I’ll start next week!
The weather isn’t quite right yet.
And the list goes on and on.
We commonly call this list – excuses! And boy are we good at excuses.
Why does this happen?
Easy! We have a part of ourselves, another manager, who steps in with interfering behaviors/thoughts This manager would rather:
Sleep in
Doesn’t see the point
Feels tomorrow is a better day
Just really doesn’t like to exercise
Another Example
You really want to see a new movie coming out soon! So much so that there is a part of you willing to stand in a long line and even pay a higher price to see it on opening night. Maybe you want the experience (I know I did that for Star Wars when it opened in May 1977.)
However, there is another part of you that says, “Listen, you can wait. Tomorrow is a work day. It’s better to stay home, save your money, and get a good night’s rest.” What we have here is not an angel and devil scenario, but the two parts of you creating an inner conflict. There is the part that wants the fun and adventure and there is the logical part that wants you to be careful with your time, money, and energy.
Hypnosis for Parts Therapy
How does hypnosis help with these conundrums?
First of all, it is important to realize that the part of us that derails us is not our enemy. It is trying to protect us in its own way.
“Don’t assume your inner critic is what you think it is…it’s a part of you trying to protect you somehow, and if you can think of it that way it isn’t going to have the same level of power over you. ~~ Richard Schwartz
So, how do we get these 2 opposing sides to agree? We negotiate. In a hypnosis session, I become the mediator to help the client first listen to the needs and desires of both sides. Taking the first example, let’s say the part that doesn’t want to exercise is really interested in having more fun in life. This part feels like they already work enough, and exercise just feels like more work. It wants more fun! We know what the other side wants – to exercise, get healthy, feel better.
In negotiating during hypnosis, this situation might work out that the healthy part of the client says that it promises to find time for fun every week. The part that doesn’t want to exercise will also bend and help out the healthy part by making exercise more fun or recognize that one of the benefits will be having more energy for fun as they get more fit. Each side compromises so both sides win! Results instead of excuses!
This might sound like a bunch of malarkey, but it isn’t – it really works! I use Parts Therapy Hypnosis for all kinds of issues where my clients are feeling sabotaged and ‘stuck’. It’s great for exercise, dieting, cleaning, and habits like smoking, chewing, gaming and so much more.
There Are NO Bad Parts
The most important thing to remember is to not be critical of that part of you that doesn’t seem to be cooperating. It is a part of you that wants to be heard, loved, and respected. It is just trying to take care of you the best it knows how. Sometimes, that part of us that seems to be sabotaging us is our wounded inner child. Be kind to yourself!
If you are feeling stuck and have been suffering with inner conflicts that are sabotaging your well-being, Parts Therapy Hypnosis might be right for you. Schedule your free, no obligation, 30-Minute Discovery Session today and let’s explore the possibilities! meetme.so/judithauslander
For more information, check out my website here: www.wiseheartcoaching.com/parts-therapy.
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