Sage-ing and a New Kind of Journaling
Wow! This year is starting out with busy, fun, and enlightening.
I am currently half way through my first Sage-ing course – 3 weeks of delight. I feel so honored to be taking these souls through the Sage-ing journey.
I start my next class on Monday, March 4th at Apositiva in Portland, Oregon. See the flyer on the Sage-ing page or on my Wise Heart Coaching Facebook page. This will be a 5-week course.
I am also taking a fantastic course from Janet Connor called Writing Down Your Soul from her book with the same name. It is journaling – but not journaling. This is a way to get into the Theta brainwave so that you are writing, but not with your conscious, critical mind. It is done quickly without editing. When writing you address the voice within. I have so far called mine, My Dearly Beloved. It is a love letter from myself to myself. I am very much looking forward to reaching my soul self in writing. With this I will discover even more of my purpose in life, be more successful in my work, and feel more satisfied within my life choices. This is a gift I am giving myself.
I have also completed my thesis on Intergenerational Communities and receive my second masters from Marylhurst. I feel proud that I made it through this a second time – but I wouldn’t want to do it again.
Blessings all, Judith
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