Many of us walk through life without knowing our purpose. Spiritual Journeys can help you find your path through life, reducing stress and making your life richer and more meaningful.
Maybe you have questions that you struggle to answer:
- Why am I here?
- What am I meant to accomplish?
- Why did that happen to me?
Struggling with these issues can make you uncertain about what you really want from life, what to do next, or why anything matters.
If that’s your situation, I have a program that can help.
It’s called Spiritual Journeys and it helps you find answers to those questions from deep within your spiritual realm.
Spiritual Journeys is made up of three sessions of hypnotherapy, each with its own focus. Each session builds on what came before.
Session 1
In the first journey, you will learn to take yourself into deep self-hypnosis. Once you’ve learned this valuable skill, it will not only empower you for the next journeys, but it will help you reduce stress and live a more intentional life.
Session 2
In the second session, you will journey up into your spiritual realm, where you will learn to protect your body and conscious mind as you rise up into your higher self. You will go to the Library of Knowledge, where you will find wisdom you never realized was available to you, and you will see spirits and much more.
Session 3
In session 3, you will carry forward what you learned in the prior two sessions and go forward to meet your higher self and your spirit guide. They will give you guidance for your life’s journey.
Beyond the Journeys
At each session, you will receive a CD to continue practicing these techniques until they are deeply embedded and you can do the hypnosis on your own.
From there on, you can continue to get into contact with the wise beings of your inner life and ask them whatever questions will help you along your way.
Don’t take my word for it. Listen to what Carrie has to say.
I recently did [Judith’s] Spiritual Journeys program, and as a result I am now more mindful and present in my life on a daily basis. Spiritual Journeys helped me to uncover the answers to many of the questions I have had about my life, and I feel so much more at peace. It was incredible and very eye-opening!
— Carrie Billings
Spiritual Journeys will help you to become more relaxed, leaving you less stressed and much calmer.
You can have all three of the 2-hour sessions, including the MP3s, for only $550 for former clients and $650 for new clients (as an extra session is needed to create rapport and trust).
If this is something that interests you, don’t wait. Make your appointment for the ride of your life. Contact me.
It’s My Birthday Month, so I Have a Gift for You!
Because April is the month I was born (yup, I’m an Aries), I want to offer you a gift. Book your session with me for any kind of hypnosis or coaching before May 14, 2018, and I will take 25% off your bill. Just be sure to mention “Happy Birthday, Judith,” to take advantage of this opportunity.
Map — Himesh Kumar Behera on Annie Spratt on Unsplash
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