*Be sure to check for my special gratitude gift at the end of this blog!
According to an online dictionary, “To have an abundance of something is to have more than you need. It’s often used to describe positive qualities, such as ‘an abundance of love.'”
To have more than one needs? How much does one equivalate to what they “need?” One person’s bucket being half full may be completely full to another.
I think there is a better way to think about abundance.
A New Look
For me, I look at my life and I say it is abundant. Despite the fact that I have a successful business, much of the money goes back into the business through business expenses, books and education and then toward my household expenses. I do not live a life of ‘throw-away’ wealth. Yet, I consider myself abundant. So, I’d like to offer a new way to look at abundance.
The Missing Ingredient
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, written in 1982, only became famous in 2006, mostly because of the film based on its concepts. Like everyone, I was fascinated by the stories of the law of attraction where
believing in something will make it happen! Abundance is everywhere! Both the book and the movie made it seem pretty simple! Just change your beliefs, and ‘POOF’, you receive what you desire!
That is the missing ingredient from The Secret.
It didn’t take me long to see that an important piece was missing. It is true…our thoughts, our words, and our beliefs are very important…but it also takes action.
Taking Action
Let’s take a look at our language and what actions we might take to manifest our desires! Being mindful of our words and/or self-talk helps achieve the ‘feeling’ of abundance. Much of what we casually say is filled with the language of ‘not enough’.
Have you said any of these phrases?
- I don’t have enough time
- I don’t have enough money
- I need money
- I can’t afford it
- I don’t deserve that
- That’s for rich folks
- I’m not enough/worthy
- I’m too old/too young
- I’m not smart enough
And the list goes on and on. I bet you could add a few…
Diving Deeper
What does this tell you? Does it say anything positive? Is it really true?
What could you say instead? And, while it may be challenging, avoid using the word ‘try’.
How about just being honest? ‘I am choosing to spend my extra time taking care of myself (meditating, working out, taking a walk).’ Or, ‘I already have a planned-out schedule.’
Remember, you are in charge of your life. Make decisions on how to spend your time that are not just based on what others need from you. Be sure to schedule time for yourself. We burn out when we neglect our physical, mental, and spiritual needs.
One way to take an action on your desire for ‘more time’ is to create a ‘Conscious Calendar.’ Divide up your day consciously and with intent. First, decide what is important in your life. Work, Household, Family, Friends, Pet, School/Learning, Personal. After you find the things you want to include, then take a 24 hour day (remember you have to include sleeping and eating) and divide it up so that your life works for you. You can find all kinds of Conscious based Calendars on the internet. Most use color coding.
That statement might actually be true. You don’t have the disposable funds for this particular purchase. However, what are you telling your subconscious? Hint: Nothing useful.
Part of the problem is that we live in an immediate gratification society. What this means is that if we can’t have it now, we can never have it.
What would happen if you said instead: ‘Let me see what I can do to make this happen?’ This leaves your imagination open to see possibilities – endless possibilities. The gate is not closed – in fact, it is engaged.
But let’s say you are eating out with a friend. Your friend orders the most expensive meal on the menu – and it is way over your budget. You could feel ‘less than’ by ordering something not nearly as extravagant or you can just tell yourself that you are choosing another option.
The ‘I can’t afford it’ statement creates an energetic atmosphere of self-pity, denial and sacrifice. What if it’s just a fact rather than a judgment about yourself? I don’t know about you, but I cannot afford a Jaguar – and not affording one is actually OK with me. I don’t really care for one. It will not raise my happiness level by any significant amount. However, if this is your happy button, then by all means figure out a way to make it happen.
‘Todo es posible’! (Anything is possible!) Just decide what is truly important to you. And watch the messages you are sending to your subconscious and the universe. Instead of “I can’t afford a diamond ring” it’s rather, “I don’t desire a diamond ring just now.” (Always leave room to change your mind.) That’s abundance!
We have more abundance than we probably realize. Expressing gratitude for all the good we have in our lives, creates an opening for more of that good to come into our lives. An easy way to do that is to start a Gratitude Journal. Each night before going to bed, write the things for which you are grateful. Sometimes you’ll name the same things each night, and that’s OK! This action will truly help you see how abundant your life truly is!
Please click HERE to schedule your Free 30-Minute Discovery Session and to accept my Gratitude Gift!
And, check out my new video to learn more about my services.
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