Can this be true?
The simple answer is, yes!
Let’s be clear, IBS may have many causes, such as infections, food sensitivities, even genetics. However, in my work I have found that it’s usually linked to past or current emotional trauma.
According to Dr. Douglas Drossman, founder and CEO of the Rome Foundation which dedicates its education and research to gut disorders such as IBS, you can follow the low-FODMAP diet and combine it with CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) or a pharmaceutical still in trials.
However, he suggests one of the easiest ways to deal with IBS is through hypnosis. According to Drossman, there have been more than 30 published research studies demonstrating the benefits of hypnosis.
Why would your gut react to past tauma?
The way we think and react affects our digestion – our gut. Our thoughts and behavior are often triggered by past events – usually from childhood. This is commonly related to PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). We think our childhood is behind us. We believe we have forgiven our parent(s) or others that have hurt us. We may say things like, “that is in the past and I have let it go.” But have you?
Your gut may be saying, “no.”
‘I’m sick to my gut!’
Within your gut is stored the emotions of sadness, anger, nervousness, fear and more. We’ve all said at one time or another, “That makes me feel sick to my gut!” Something happens and it feels like a punch in the gut. We react!
Our vagus nerve (which runs from our brain through our body to the gut) reacts to that “thing” that just happened. It could be a word or words, a look, a sound – almost anything can trigger that old way of feeling. Without even realizing it we go into one of three general reactions: Fight, Flight or Freeze. We don’t even really understand why we are reacting this way.
The next thing we know, our gut hurts and we end up with one or more symptoms of IBS.
What’s the solution?
One of the quickest, most cost-efficient solutions is Hypnosis. It really works.
In our sessions I allow you to change the filter through which you are perceiving life. You will locate your inner child and relate to them with love and caring. You will help them feel safe – probably a feeling you rarely felt as a child.
We then allow that little one and you to express and release the anger, frustration, tears, disappointment you have been carrying around for far too long.
I also equip you with anti-anxiety exercises, tapping techniques, and many other tools that help you cope when you ae triggered. I can’t promise that you will never feel triggered again – what I do promise is that we will get to the root cause and provide you with tools to manage your trauma and take control of your IBS/Gut issues.
Click the button below and let’s start your journey of healing today!
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