Listen as your day unfolds
Challenge what the future holds
Try and keep your head up to the sky
Lovers, they may cause you tears
Go ahead, release your fears
Stand up and be counted
Don’t be ashamed to cry
As we navigate, in our own individual way, all that is happening in the world around us, we may feel a tinge of hopelessness. According to authors Scioli and Biller in their book, Hope in the Age of Anxiety, there are 9 types of hopelessness:
Alienation – people who believe they are somehow different from everyone else.
Forsakenness – Total abandonment at time of greatest need.
Uninspired – Lack of opportunity for growth and positive role models within their group.
Powerlessness – Thwarted or incapable of navigating toward one’s goals.
Limitedness – Sense of failed mastery, lacking the right stuff to get ahead. This form of helplessness is especially prevalent among the poor or those that struggle with a severe handicap or learning disability.
Doom – Death is imminent – trapped.
Captivity – Two forms of captivity are physical and emotional – prisoner, abusive relationship, lack of confidence to move forward or out.
Helplessness – Feeling of being exposed and vulnerable – part of trauma – defenseless.
Our own hopelessness may feel like one of these. Perhaps we are feeling a combination of several of them. With jobs being lost due to Covid 19, future incomes uncertain, and unemployment insurance checks not arriving, we may feel as if the floor has disappeared beneath us.
Combine with this all the shifts and changes within our towns. Stores we took for granted would be open and items available to us – just aren’t there. Going out to eat, having services performed – everything, like a deck of cards, has been thrown up in the air and disarranged. Our government and the medical professionals seem to be reading from two different scripts. We don’t know who to listen to, who to trust. Who’s telling the truth?
Add to this the anger and violence that we see on our TVs, Phones, and Computers that all seem to show a society on the verge of erupting. Necessary changes are taking place, but not without the earth shaking below us.
How do we keep the faith? How do we keep Hope alive? We do it by staying true to our core values and ourselves. We do it by reaching out to friends and loved ones – or to services that are there to help us. We get in trouble when we only listen to the negative or when we try to understand it all by ourselves – alone, doesn’t work.
Because of all of this, I have had many clients reaching out to me recently wanting to explore PLR (Past Life Regression) to help them find the answers they are searching for – trying to understand the “why” of it all. We want clarity, understanding, some rational belief we can hold on to that explains it all. During their free 30-minute Discovery Session with me what I am finding, more than anything else, is that there is some unresolved anger. Oh yes, we believe we have done our forgiveness work, but what we really have done is applied a bandage and the bandage is wearing thin, especially in high stress times like these. Through work I am doing with these clients presently, we are slowly removing the bandage and freeing the wounded child that has been kept hidden inside and really giving that child hope for meaningful and lasting healing. This is real, deep forgiveness…doing the work and truly letting go…not just mouthing the words of forgiveness.
This is much like our country, which will only heal when we are ready as a united country to admit our errors and ask for forgiveness. That’s when the wound will be able to start healing. Sometimes things must be shaken before change can begin. Think of a snow globe that you turn upside down, shake, only to sit and gaze at the beauty of the falling snow on the scene inside. Until the globe is shaken, the scene lies there dormant – waiting for the storm.
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