Sleep — how did something so natural become so ‘unnatural’?
(Be sure to check out the sleep hypnosis audio below that I created just for you to get a good night’s sleep)
“Innocent sleep. Sleep that soothes away all our worries. Sleep that puts each day to rest. Sleep that relieves the weary laborer and heals hurt minds. Sleep, the main course in life’s feast, and the most nourishing.”
― William Shakespeare, Macbeth
Sometimes I am envious of my friend who says that she has never had trouble sleeping. For her, even in her senior years, it’s easy. She still gets the sleep of the innocent. But for me, there are some nights when sleep is elusive.
Having been a hypnotherapist for more than 10 years, I can tell you that I/we are actually not alone. Many of my clients have the same issue.
If you struggle with insomnia issues, I hope these ideas and tools will help you as they have helped me.
Don’t Look at the Clock!
That’s right! The more you keep checking the clock and noticing how much time is left to get some zzzz’s before the alarm goes off, the less likely you are to relax and sleep.
The more you fret, ruminate and worry about it – the less likely you are to actually get the extra sleep you want (notice I am not saying “need.”) In fact, my suggestion is to not look at the clock at all.
Personally, I have removed all clocks from my bedroom. The only thing I have to tell me the time is my Alexa and I will occasionally ask her what time it is – with my eyes closed. Also, if I need to get up and use the toilet, I keep everything dark – I even keep my eyes closed. What do I need to see? I know where the toilet is. Keeping my eyes closed keeps me in a dream like state.
Keep a Notebook by the Bed!
If I happen to have a bad dream or life wakes me up with the relentless need to solve a problem at 2AM, I pull out a notebook from my drawer with an attached writing implement and, in the dark, I will write what apparently cannot wait until the morning to think about. Once it is written down, I tell my brain that it’s handled, and I can see it in the morning.
Consistency is Key!
These and other “tricks” have helped me to get a grip on my sleep issues. You can find more ideas for getting better sleep at the link below.
However, the most important thing I can tell you is that creating a daily schedule, including weekends, of sleep hygiene really makes a difference. There are many tech solutions to help us get better sleep, too. I have programmed my smart watch to tell me it’s time for bed at 10PM. I’ve also programmed Alexa to follow up with the same mesage. I created a ‘Do Not Disturb/Focus’ feature on my phone during the hours of 10PM and 7:00AM.
Yes, there “might” be an emergency, however, is there really anything I can do about it in the middle of the night? So far, after years of doing this, no such emergency has occurred. It truly is OK to disconnect.
Find a routine that works for you. Here’s what I do. I shut off the TV, take Riley out to potty and start getting ready for bed. I climb into bed, read for about 20 minutes, and then turn the lights out no later than 11PM. Perhaps you’d do better with an earlier to bed schedule. The key is to make it consistent.
I have done a great deal of research into sleep, so please make sure you read these suggestions and see if they can help you get a healthy night’s sleep. Oh, and here is the important part – sometimes we don’t need 7-8 hours sleep. So, relax. Remember, sleep is natural. Pleasant dreams.
Nineteen Ideas to Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep
11 Minute Sleep Hypnosis Audio
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