Have you ever tried to heal yourself from body pain? If so, you know how difficult it is. I suffer from chronic sacral pain, and I can tell you it isn’t easy.
Research suggests that mindfulness meditation can help reduce pain intensity and unpleasantness by actually changing the structure of our brain. And it doesn’t have to be complicated. We concentrate on our breath and every time our thoughts drift away (commonly called Monkey Mind) we gently thank our brain for that thought and then return to concentrating on our breath.
Hypnosis is another way to help us gain control over body pain. We can teach our brain to change an area that may feel hot by putting our hands on that part of the body and introducing a mental cooling effect. The opposite is also true if an area feels cool then it can be heated by our hands.
This type of mind healing has proven to be true for many aches and pains, (including mine) as well as burns, rheumatoid arthritis and many other conditions. Hypnosis has even been found to help people through cancer. And even better, hypnosis and meditation have no negative side effects, and may eliminate the need for pain medications.
Long Term Solution
According to a University of Washington Medical Study:
“Adults who pursued pain relief through mindfulness-focused meditation and hypnosis had better long-term effects than those who received education in pain management, according to one of the largest studies of its kind on non pharmaceutical pain control and relief.” *
You Have the Power!
What this means for you and me is that if we are experiencing pain or illness in our body, we have the power to help heal ourselves.
Please do not ignore obvious signs of danger such as chest pain, high fever, or anything else beyond normal aches and pains.
Meditation and Hypnosis are great additions to the care that your physician is providing, and/or you want to heal a belly ache, body pain from over exercising, bumps/bruises, a headache, and other minor illnesses.
Next time, instead of reaching for your normal pain reliever, try to meditate or use self-hypnosis.
Healing Body Pain Hypnosis
Click the graphic below to access a special body healing hypnosis I created to assist in your self-hypnosis.
Of course, if you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out.
I look forward to hearing of your successes with these methods. Also, if you suffer from pain where there should no longer be pain, please check out my information on Old Pain To Go!
* The findings of this joint UW Medicine/Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System study were published in the medical journal Pain. The researchers tested the effects of two non pharmaceutical pain interventions against an educational (control) protocol in a population of military veterans who received care from the VA between 2015 and 2020.
Happy Healing!
Click HERE to schedule your free, no obligation 30-minute discovery session today!
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